I received an email a few weeks ago and was so pleased to read it. It had been forwarded from my parents and it said that my cousin Tanya was getting married. I was so excited for her and anticipating meeting Brian. Tanya's family and mine spent a great deal of time together in our early years and many memories invovle her and her brothers. In fact the stories that Tysen and Rylen request at bedtime sometime contain escapades including Tanya. So I was super pleased to have Tanya and Brian ask if I'd shoot their engagement and wedding photos for them. I agreed without hesitation! Now I'm going to assume that Tanya has either forgotten or forgiven me for some of the escapades I put her through. I should say we put her through. You see she has two older brothers and I have two younger sisters and we often teamed up into two equal and fair groups for all our times together. Tanya, Nikki and Jenni were on one team and Trevor, Ryan and myself were on another.....totally fair! I think it was totally fair that when playing at the farm that the older team would dig holes in the garden, cover them with branches and the force the enemy to eat leaves in order to be rescued from said pit. It was also totally fair when we'd play eat the mystery food and instead of just using one ingredient (which was the rules) we'd mix several foods which would stump them. I could go on and on with fair play rules in the family game time but don't want to refresh Tanya's memory anymore! Tanya was also present for one of the HUGEST hair mistakes of my life! Yup, we decided to drive into Regina together one Saturday afternoon when we were both at the same school and I thought that a perm would be a good decision. Tanya didn't say a thing.....hhmm....maybe that was the payback for the whole leaf eating thing! Wow. That kinda hurts! I had to suffer through some Annie look a like comments for the next few weeks while I waited for the curls to loosen. Anyways....
I had a great time in Cochrane with Tanya and Brian last Saturday and even though we didn't make it to McKay's ice cream we still had fun! They were totally relaxed in front of the camera and were comfortable with each other and with me! There was lots of laughter and I was so happy to see how much Brian loves Tanya. It was evident the whole evening and I loved watching Tanya laugh and enjoy herself with Brian! They are a perfect fit for eachother.
One of the first things I asked them during the shoot was if they were comfortable with public displays of affection. Tanya said, " I'm okay." And Brian? well he said, "Sounds good!". I don't think he was disappointed! Brian is going to be great fit for the family, immediate and extended, and will be a great addition to those few and far between family reunions that we manage to plan. I was very excited to go through the images after this evening and am soooo looking forward to their October wedding in Canmore.
Gorgeous, seriously...gorgeous!
This may be one of my favorites from the evening.
Do you see what I mean about laughing with him? Love the smile!
Love it. That's all.