So in starting this time out I figured that my first favorites should involve those that are my most favorite - my guys Garth, Tysen and Rylen.
The 3 of them definitely keep me busy whether it means playing street hockey, building a lego gun, running through the sprinkler or going for a bike ride or doing something Tysen and Rylen want- my time is full! I wouldn't change a thing about these 3 other than that they maybe not grow up sooooo fast! Well Garth has already grown up (somtimes questionable but fun!)so maybe just Tys and Ry. I do find myself sometimes wondering what it would be like to add another female to the mix of the house, but it quickly passes when I get a hug for no reason, a door opened for me or hearing someone say "Don't worry, I will always take care of you!". Treasured things to hear for sure. And really what female could pass up the attention and adoration of 3 men! Anyways, Garth, Tysen and Rylen are my favorites. Yup! You can't help but love the armpit farting contests, who has the smelliest burp opportunities and "check out this scar" memory times. I LOVE IT!!!
These photos were taken on a hike in Mt. Robson park and have become my favorites.

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