About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Angels Again

Jill, Sabrina and Kelly - those were very popular names in my house growing up - when we played Charlie's Angels I always chose to be Jill. Even though the show was on long before we ever watched TV we knew who they were. They were a tight knit group that always had eachothers backs and so were we. The bad guys were put int their place in jail (or our little black and white play house) and we would save our little town for one more day. Our own little group has grown up but they have always been there, even if several provinces have separated us at time I knew that I could always count on them. We've been through alot together, shared alot laughs and tears together. We've gotten angry at eachother and had eachother's backs for forever. I know things about them that few people know and most of my childhood memories include one or both of them. I built awesome snow forts with them, rode bikes through all sorts of mud puddles with them, swam in grandpa and grandma's pool with them until our fingers were almost permanently wrinkled, shared a little orange pup tent with them, and did many many other things with them both.
Yup, I'm talking about my sisters, Nikki and Jenny, two of my closest and best friends in the world. Even when it's been months since we've visited it's like nothing has changed. The laughter and tears are still as real as they were 18 years ago when we all last shared a home. It was a rare moment last weekend to actually have all three of us together in a room. Even though it was for a short time I had a blast. My reason for heading down was to shoot a wedding, but everyone descended on Nikki's place for a visit.

I come by photography very naturally - I can't remember a family gathering that didn't include a photo or 200 being taken during our times together. Either Grandpa, Dad or an aunt was always taking someone's picture. So in keeping with tradition we had a few shots taken of my parents and us girls and then just the three of us. The sun was rapidly falling as we ran out across the road from Nikki's house and snapped these shots.
Bums were pinched, ears were pulled and bras were snapped as the three of us goofed around in front of the camera and the three angels were resurrected for another chance. This Jill was rather tired after all the running back and forth to the camera to make sure things were turning out okay. I know that in 30 years time we may be sporting grey hair and walkers but nothing will stop us from becoming Jill, Sabrina and Kelly one more time.

Long life the Ballantyne Angels!!

We did manage to get one or two "normal" photos taken.

Nikki failed to hear "Okay, now America's Next Top Model Look".

Check out that attitude!!

Again, why just pose for the camera when you can stick your fingers in your sister's ears? No bra snapping took place in the shooting of this pose. That and the bum pinches happened when the three of us were standing up.

It was actually a beautiful night, a typical prairie sunset which I never get to see living amongst all the trees and hills of northern BC.

Couldn't forget to have a Daddy Daughter shot!

Gotta have a Ballantyne girls shot - three of my closest friends - aren't they beautiful?


Lynn said...

Great photos!! I believe I have one or two of those. I know I have a photo of everyone else in your family behaving and you are sticking your tongue out!! Somehow I think that was a rather common occurence back in the day!! Do you remember the one of you three girls and your mom taken in grandpa's (my dad) pasture? It would be fun to compare the 'then' and 'now'!! I like the change to your blog, come check mine out sometime. Love you.

Joan Ballantyne said...

oh Carly! Thank you - not only do you have a gift with the camera but you have a gift with words. got me crying sweetie! Thank you!!!!!!! love and hugs - mom

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!! Yes, she does have the gift of gab too:) I remember all those wonderful times as well, and sometimes I long for the simpler days when our only care was who was gonna get the "bad guy". Love all the shots and all the memories this evoked!! Love ya girly!!