About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Friday, January 20, 2012

I blame it on my Mom.

I can't actually remember how young I was when I first discovered my love of reading.  I'm certain it was while I was sitting on my mom's lap or snuggled up against her on the sofa while she read to me. My Mom was read to by her mom and I can attest her love of reading by the fact that Grandma has piles of books in her house too! I cannot remember a time when I didn't see my mom carrying some book around with her. Seriously, if you were to look inside her purse you'd find a wallet, tissues, some candies and a book.  If she's got a book, she's set! I never need to worry about bringing books when I visit her....she's got her own little library that I can borrow from.

It was providential that she landed a job at the public library in our little town of Unity. And even luckier for me that I had my very first job as a librarian's assistant.  What did that entail?  Stamping books, finding book cards, reshelving books and dusting the books...yup...dusting.the.books. When all my work was done on a shift I was able to read. Yup, right again...I was able to read while working! What a treat!  And read I did!  I don't think there was a book in the junior/young adult section that I didn't get to.  I loved the chance to drop into another place and time and walk through situations with the characters.

Now just because I enjoyed reading and still do, don't think that I'm some great literary genius enjoying books that are recommended by the uber bookish elite. Nope, not me. You'll never find me joining a book club to dissect a novel.  I'm all about being entertained by the fluff of fictional novels.  I'm sure much to Mr. Sego's dismay, his entertaining and engaging English classes never created a literary critic.  He made the class come alive with how he'd read aloud portions of a book, giving each character their own voice...keep in mind this was in senior high....not the coolest thing to do, but I think we'd have a hard time finding anyone that didn't enjoy it!  He made reading the classics interesting. So I may not have followed up on his challenges to dig deeper into a book, but I will always be grateful for him introducing me to one of my favorite books of all time...."To Kill A Mockingbird".

I have been looking forward to this time of the year for a while now. Things slow down a little bit photo-wise and I relish the time I get to read.  My library card is wearing out!  And Garth will often mock me about the stack of books on my side of the bed and why I need to add to it when it's already a couple feet high.

I'm excited to sit down with these latest editions to my pile and get lost in some stories.  If you've got a book to recommend, leave a comment and I"ll give it a shot, just don't expect me to dissect it!


Krista said...

Okay, #1: you'd better get the two other books in the Hunger Games trilogy, because when you finish the first one, you're going to want to dive right into the second. And you'll probably read and entire book in one sitting. They're that good.
#2: The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo trilogy is good, but they've been over-hyped. The first book takes a while to get into, and the Swedish names take three books to keep straight. They're a good read, but don't read them because everybody else is.
#3: The Game of Thrones series is an excellent one. I'm in the second book right now, and loving it. You can get all 4 books at Costco for under $40.

Enjoy your stack! It's always nice to find a kindred spirit. Also, we miss you in PG!

mom/joan said...

oh!!! you have a cussler book in the pile! have you tried david baldacchi - i blame mike and denise for getting me into those. and, apparently there is a new jerry jenkins book out that is awesome along with a ted dekker one too. i am working on david chan's - crazy love, cussler's - navigator and the revised boundaries book by dr cloud along with 2 beth moore ones that i have not opened yet. and, i am busy compiling a list for my kobo....that is exciting for me. glad that the reading stuck - i can remember buying you those little golden books for .19 cents each time we went shopping. you and your sisters were read to lots and lots - I would even read some non fictional stuff to you just so you were being read to. ahhhh - memory lane.

mom/joan said...

Carly - you really should credit your g'ma. She started this love of reading. she joined a special book club when I was little and I got classic books in the mail - i think you girls each have one or two of them. as soon as the library in unity opened - we got a membership. spending time in there on Saturday afternoons was the best. g'ma always has a stack of books on the go too. :)

Lynn said...

I'm not sure who to blame it on but I love to read too. I guess it could be my mom's fault, she loved to read and read to us kids every night before bed for many years! The headboard of my bed was a bookcase and it was always full of new adventures just waiting for me to open them!