About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I like me some new music!

It's a great day to surf the net..... the snow is blowing like a hurricane (90 km/hr is what I've heard on the radio!) so I'm housebound. I've already cleaned my house for all the company that is arriving in the next. Can anyone say Mr. Clean's got nothing on Carly? All together now!

So in the middle of edits and creating a website I surf to change things up. I also am loving I Tunes again today, bought a few songs and then thought I should check out you tube for videos! Well, I found one and I'm loving this artist!

And because I'm still incompetent on this blog site I haven't been able to figure out how to post the video here, just the link. So if you've got a couple minutes, check out Greg Sczebel. He actually performed at our previous church in PG and has evolved quite a bit. Just goes to show you what time, patience and practice will get you. HHhhhhmmmmm.... maybe I should take a page from his book with my photography?

Well, I should get back to the website.... it's coming along nicely, I'm hoping for it to be up soon.

Stayed tuned for updates on what I'm doing here in Calgary, starting to get started!

Enjoy the snow!

Here's Greg's video.... I love his smooth voice! Smooth like peanut butter baby!


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