About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I call them mine

I'm rather possessive......you see once I shoot your photos you are mine in a sense.  I can call you my bride....in the photography sense.  And I love my brides!!!  I always walk away from a wedding feeling richer for having the opportunity to spend time with some amazing couples.  I call them my friends and am so thankful for each and every one of them.  But...who are these people that I lay claim to?  Why do I consider them friends?

My brides are fun!  They enjoy themselves and they make the most of every opportunity that their wedding day offers.  They work it for the camera and end up giving me some amazing shots to work with!  They are up for any and all crazy suggestions that may be made, but even better?  They laugh at my jokes!  They are relaxed and because of that I'm even more relaxed!  They say some of the funniest things in those moments when they aren't aware that I may be listening.  I have heard some funny funny stuff over the last couple years.  I won't go into great details, but let me say that I can still tear up with laughter when I think about "A535 is the signature scent of my wedding day."

Thankfully there exists a connection with my brides....a camaraderie is formed over coffee and perusing photos which gets cemented during the engagement shoot.  Time and time again I am so thankful that I get that extra time in advance getting to know my bride and groom, it totally makes the wedding day a lot easier, because we have had some time together and it's not a complete stranger poking their camera in their faces as they get dressed, walk down the aisle, kiss and hug family members.

I'm grateful for the relationships that have been formed with my brides and am excited about making some new friends in 2011.  If you are looking for a wedding photographer, check out my website for more details. www.ckoop.com

Here's a few shots of my brides from the last 3 years that maybe didn't make the blog or website.  Aren't they gorgeous?

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