About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A photo can make it all better

There are days when I just wonder if I've made the right decision to stay at home and try to make this photography thing work.  I can beat myself up very well... just ask Garth who has to hear the pummelling and play by play as I talk about how I suck or what I need to change or constantly ask...."what am I doing wrong?".  I think we all have days like that and hopefully we all have people like Garth in our lives who tell us to stop believing the lie and to trust that your decision is the right one for right now.

Because I love doing it, I'm not going to stop, it may just look different in the end, but photography will be a big part of my life likes it's been for the last 37 years. I believe the lie that I'm not good enough and then last night I find this while finishing up a wedding. I'd like to take some credit for it, but some does go to Kristin too!  This photo made it all better.. for now. :-)


Lesley said...

You most certainly DO NOT SUCK - and I have the photos to prove it. I have one of the family photos as my wallpaper on my work computer to remind me what it's like to spend time with them.

I love how you've captured each of my daughters' personalities perfectly and that picture makes me smile every morning at 7AM when I turn on my computer.

I *know* you don't miss *this* industry and truly envy you for having the guts to make a go of your passion...Oh, and when you are truly famous and need an assistant, give me a call, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear sweet sister. You know I will always have your back.....and even against those lies.....I will beat them down. You truly don't comprehend the joy I see when I look at the pictures you have taken of my family and myself. You capture each personality so well. Seeing my family in your portraits gives a sense of hope for tomorrow, knowing that we are doing our best(and it helps that you get us looking our best and in the best light too:))and it gives us heirlooms, yes, heirlooms to pass down to our children, and our grandchildren. The story behind each picture is easy to remember to, because you capture EVERYTHING so well. God blessed you with this talent (which admittedly at times I am JEALOUS of) and He wants you to bless others with it, which for each and every event, wedding or family, you have blessed them. So, from one of your biggest fans out there.....don't stop and don't second guess yourself at all. You have a ministry in this too! I love ya missy

Carly Koop said...

Well.... thank you! Just a bummer day, but I do appreciate your support! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

i agree with all that was said by Leslie and Nik. you have a gift Carly and do such an awesome job of capturing people and their love expressions. Things will work out - it takes time to build a business and a reputation. and, that is what you are doing. We shall keep praying and promoting and are always here for you and your 3 sisters! (who all love you and support you too!)xoxo