About Me

I am many things, a wife, a mother, a friend, a follower and a photographer. This blog is to highlight my photography and parts of my life through photography.Photography is a great passion of mine but does not eclipse my relationships with my Lord, my husband, or my boys. If you are interested in my photography and would like more information, check out my website www.ckoop.com
I am a Calgary-based life photographer that captures your "life moments"- your wedding, engagement, family, high school graduation or just because photos. Check out the blog for previous wedding, engagement and family photo sessions. Check out my photography website to see more www.ckoop.com

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dodging Cow Pies - The Holloway kids

Without fail, almost every Sunday afternoon consisted of us all piling into the back of old pickups and driving the short trip on the highway (Gasp! I know! In the back of a pickup... ON THE HIGHWAY!!).  With no real destination in mind we'd just head for the hills and see where our uncles or grandpa would take us.  The pasture was a big part of our childhood, clinging to the sides of the pickup as it made trip through a few fences that needed to be opened and continue on it's slow trek up a hill where we'd all pile out, run around, pick crocuses, run through the trees and dodge cow pies.

So when my sister Nikki mentioned a place that reminded her of the pasture I was excited to shoot some photos.  She decided that these would be her kids school photos and I think she made a great decision to use this spot.  We didn't jump into the back of a pickup BUT.. we did cram 8 of us into my Escape (comfortably seats 4) and did have to open a fence and climb down... to get to our spot.  Other than riding inside a vehicle not much was different, there were kids, there were hills and trees to explore in and yes... we were dodging cow pies. 

I know that someone in the shoeboxes of photos at my parents house there are photos similar to these of Nikki, Jen and I.  Someday I know Nik's kids will have a shoebox to look through too.

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Such a beautiful young girl! This girl is a dead ringer for her Mom!
Generous in spirit just like her Mom too!

Such a sweet smile.....and sweet girl. Here's some sugar for you!

One solid guy.... I'm excited to see what is in store for him. BIG things!

 "Where's funcity you guys? Something has to be happening somewhere!"

I must admit that I keep coming back to this photo.
There is something about the look in her eyes that is intriguing.


Anonymous said...

oh sweetheart! I love the blog comments and I just loooooooooooovvvvvvvveeeee the pictures! Where are the ones of the boys? YOu did such an awesome job of capturing their hearts. Love them and love you guys too!one very proud mother xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Carly....tears coming out like crazy right now......the pictures are breath taking....you are amazing at what you do!!! It captures each kid so perfectly!! The ones of Morgan just get Cam on edge when he realizes the boys he is going to be fending off really soon!! Josh....I don't know how you did it, but you captured his compassion and care in a picture....it jumps out at me. Carsen....his infectious smile and giggle, the pictures make me laugh out loud and for sweet Rachel...your right, her eyes seem to draw me in and I want to know what she is dreaming of:) Thanks again for being the awesome sister you are, capturing my most beloved in this way....and the words you put to the posts are always so heartfelt and wonderful. I truly cannot wait to see the rest!!
Love ya